Rely on Great Greens Lawn Care for professional lawn dethatching services in Aurora, IL, and the neighboring regions. We understand that a healthy lawn begins with proper maintenance, and dethatching is crucial in achieving that goal. Contact us today to discuss your lawn dethatching needs, request a free quote, or seek professional advice on how our services can enhance the beauty and health of your lawn. We're here to provide you with top-notch lawn care solutions.
Lawn dethatching removes the layer of thatch – a dense mat of dead grass, roots, and debris – that can accumulate on the surface of your lawn over time. Thatch buildup can hinder water, nutrients, and air from reaching the soil and grassroots, leading to an unhealthy lawn.
We utilize professional-grade commercial lawn dethatchers to remove thatch efficiently from your lawn. Our dedicated team will collect and dispose of all thatch debris, leaving your lawn clean and ready to thrive. We take the extra step to blow away any debris, ensuring that walkways and entryways look pristine.
For optimal results, we recommend mowing your lawn at a height of 2 inches and collecting grass clippings before dethatching. Additionally, consider complementing dethatching with aeration, overseeding, and fertilizer application. These combined efforts can significantly improve your lawn's health, color, and density. The best part? We can complete these services in a single day.
We prioritize safety in all our lawn care services. Before we begin dethatching, please take a moment to flag or mark any potential underground wires, electric pet fences, pipes, sprinkler heads, or areas that we should avoid. Your safety and property protection are of utmost importance to us.
In need of an experienced lawn care professional? Book one by calling 815-846-4228 now.